The world is topsy-turvy this World Rhino Day, but we cannot turn our backs on rhino conservation and their ongoing protection……ever.

The Matopos is the only National Park in Zimbabwe that has both rhino species and they are doing well, thanks to diligent efforts by the Parks Rangers and long-term supporters such as Dambari Wildlife Trust.

Dambari has been helping with African rhino conservation in Zimbabwe for 2 decades and we will not give up our efforts to ensure these iconic rhino species have a future. We continue ,with Zimbabwe Parks, to manage a camera trap survey of rhino movements in the Matopos National Park that enhances day to day knowledge of population dynamics and activities, facilitating protection strategies.

Both Dambari and Parks have taken a hit with regular rhino donors not able to support us during Covid-19, so please donate to support Dambari’s work with the Matopos rhino and if you live locally visit the Matopos National Park too.

You can send donations securely via our website ( through Paypal or via our Bulawayo office (0712 366916/7) for local bank details. Any amount however small will be valuable in our ongoing rhino conservation work.