New Project to Start In July 2020
Dambari has for a while been concerned about the ongoing drier rain seasons affecting the status of the wetlands and biodiversity in Matobo Hills World Heritage site and the resilience of communities in that area to climatic changes.
The Matobo Hills, is an important high altitude catchment that contributes approximately 13% of the water destined for the Limpopo River Basin and carries with that the responsibility to send clean water downstream.
To that end and in conjunction with our consortium partners, the Zimbabwe Holistic Livelihoods Development Trust(ZHLDT) and Inkanyezi Development Trust (IDT), we successfully applied to USAID Resilient Waters for a grant for a project now entitled Towards resilience in the Matobo Hills High Altitude Catchment in Zimbabwe through participatory assessments, rehabilitation and capacity development.
The overarching objective of this project is to enhance human and environmental resilience in the Matobo catchment through education about and implementation of improved water-use practices, responsible management of the landscape, biodiversity conservation, and rehabilitation of wetlands to include grazing management and land rehabilitation.
We will be posting regular updates as this project gets underway and hope you will follow along with our progress.